CYP AU-D6S SRS TruVolume Volume Corrector and normaliser Control Processor
by CYPThe CYP AU-D6S Volume control, regulates TV-channel volume to your own comfortable audio level, preventing annoying audio fluctuations whilst channel surfing, also taming those obnoxious commercials. The resuly is an audio volume that is produced at a constant level - no more reaching for the remote control every few minutes.
- SRS TruVolume™ maintains a steady volume, allowing listeners to set their desired volume once to enjoy television, music and all other content without annoying volume fluctuations
- Helps the hearing impaired by keeping channels at a consistent volume level so they can hear everything whilst keeping others in the room comfortable
- Simple switched operation 'On / Off'
- Line Level inputs up to 2Vrms and Line Level ouputs up to 1Vrms, via stereo RCA jacks
- Boosts low and high frequency content dynamically (20 bands/channel) using an advanced psycoacoustic modelling engine, making the entire listening experience come alive, regardless of the audio level
Inputs 2x RCA [1x Analogue Stereo (L/R)]
Outputs 2x RCA [1x Analogue (Processed) Stereo (L/R)]
PSU: 5V/1.2A
Dimensions 45mm [W] x 45mm [D] x 25mm [H]
Net Weight 160g
Gross Weight 220g
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